Phthalates in PM2.5 airborne particles in the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic
Vědecké články | 2016 | Perspectives in ScienceInstrumentation
GC/MSD, Pyrolýza, GC/SQ
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, CDS Analytical
Key wordsphthalates, ostrava, trinec, marianske, oldrichovice, heating, hory, ostravice, localities, concentrations, frydek, havirov, mistek, radvanice, karvina, poruba, silesian, locality, moravian, seasons, hradec, mean, phthalate, winter, concentration, dep, dehp, nad, measured, dust, deviation, correspond, plastics, atmosphere, combustion, atoll, beskydy, conflict, enewetak, juchelková, kaupp, lupe, moravici, moravicí, considering, arithmetical, sum, mountains, article, continents
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