Organic geochemistry of fossil resins from the Czech Republic
Vědecké články | 2014 | Elsevier | Akademie věd ČRInstrumentation
GC/MSD, Pyrolýza, GC/SQ
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí
ManufacturerThermo Fisher Scientific, CDS Analytical
Key wordssarawak, amber, duxite, krizany, resinite, straseci, studlov, valchovite, baltic, colour, cenomanian, eudesmadiene, miocene, neogene, cretaceous, clays, transparent, fluorescence, bright, cadinatriene, cedrane, liptinite, paleogene, trimethyltetralin, coal, fossil, yellow, eocene, diterpenoids, elsevier, resin, edges, camphor, resins, brown, anber, angiosperm, cadinane, dimethylcyclopentene, dimethyltetraline, elemenene, fehmarn, gellifed, ionene, křižany, longipinane, maceral, nordrimane, pentamethylcyclohexanpropanol, pila
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