Small Molecule Reaction Monitoring Using Open Access Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (APGC-MS)
Aplikace | 2019 | WatersInstrumentation
IndustriesKlinická analýza
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, Waters
Key wordsapgc, atmospheric, reaction, openlynx, open, access, self, borylation, service, pressure, application, chemist, molecule, interpretation, monitoring, protonation, chromatography, chemical, gas, small, target, hit, note, masslynx, start, mass, educts, system, ionization, reporting, tic, using, automatic, generated, software, login, waters, intermediates, scan, blocks, protonated, projects, conditions, medicinal, brings, modifiers, sample, aromatics, rise, source
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