Analysis of Residual Solvents in Hemp-Derived Products using Headspace Combined with Atmospheric Pressure GC/MS
Posters | 2021 | Waters | ASMSInstrumentation
IndustriesFood & Agriculture
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, Waters, CTC Analytics
Key wordsresidual, hempseed, dichloroethane, hemp, trichloroethene, precursor, acceptance, cpi, solvents, precluded, methylene, oxide, forpurpose, ethylene, chloroform, xevotm, ionization, derived, transitions, benzene, headspace, chloride, ppm, oil, combined, xylenes, apgc, limit, proficiency, response, quantitative, butane, were, propane, aligned, heptane, pentane, isopropanol, diethyl, cone, atmospheric, mechanism, upper, classes, ether, thus, hexane, sample, acetone, ethanol
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