Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University
Research institution
Research centre focused on life sciences, advanced materials and technologies. Since its recent establishment, it has been successful in building a major scientific centre and is already among the top European institutions.
Research institution
The Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations of the Technical University of Liberec, also known as CXI TUL, was founded in 2009. Our mission is to support TUL's long-term vision of collaboration with industry and innovation.
Research institution
EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency
Our mission is to protect human health and the environment.
Research institution
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS
IOCB Prague is a leading research institution of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Our mission is basic research at the interface of chemical and biological disciplines and the transfer of basic research results into applications and the commercial sphere.
Research institution
RECETOX - Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment
Founded in 1983, RECETOX is an independent department of Masaryk University’s Faculty of Science. We are engaged in research and education in the fields of environmental and health.
Research institution
The Czech Academy of Sciences
The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) was established by Act No. 283/1992 Coll. as the Czech successor of the former Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. It is set up as a complex of 54 public research institutions.